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DoJ Sports Dispute Resolution Advisory Committee meets with SF&OC and LEGCO members

5 Mar 2025

Yang-Wahn Hew from Des Voeux Chambers, a member of the DoJ’s Sports Dispute Resolution Advisory Committee, participated in key meetings last month to discuss the future of sports dispute resolution in Hong Kong. Chaired by the Deputy Secretary for Justice, Dr Horace Cheung Kwok-kwan, SBS, JP, the Committee met with the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee Of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), including The Hon. Kenneth Fok Kai-Kong, JP, Vice-President of SF&OC, and Edgar Yang, Honorary Secretary General of SF&OC on 18 February, and with members of the Legislative Council (LegCo) on 25 February.

Photo credit: Department of Justice

Participants discussed the Committee’s work on a pilot scheme for sports dispute resolution in Hong Kong, on which the Committee continues to engage with major stakeholders. They also explored potential collaboration, including raising awareness of and providing education on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to sports associations and athletes, as well as encouraging retired athletes to train as mediators and arbitrators.

Photo credit: Department of Justice

For details, please refer to DoJ’s press releases below:

Advisory Committee on Sports Dispute Resolution of DoJ discusses development direction of sports dispute resolution with SF&OC:

Advisory Committee on Sports Dispute Resolution of DoJ discusses way forward for sports dispute resolution with LegCo Members: