Why DVC?

Des Voeux Chambers prides itself in providing a unique platform for aspiring and talented barristers, particularly those in the junior end, irrespective of their background, financial position and connections. Meritocracy and fairness are our most celebrated principles.

We strive to provide an extensive and in-depth training and learning environment to students, pupils and junior members alike. We are fortunate to have a pool of dedicated pupil masters who are committed to nurture and educate our pupils and junior juniors. Indeed, many of our junior juniors, at the early stage of their professional career, willingly and knowingly carry on the torch of helping future pupils and contributing back to the Bar and the society.


Academic Excellence

It is therefore of no surprise that Chambers has a particularly strong junior end and houses a large number of the very best of each year’s pupils. As matters stand, Chambers is home to 37 Bar Scholars (awarded annually by the Hong Kong Bar Association to the most outstanding pupils each year and 4 Rhodes Scholars.


Bar Scholars


Rhodes Scholars



To support meritorious students and potential talents, Chambers makes available a wide range of scholarships and grants (both needs-based and merits-based).



Junior members will continue to find ample opportunities to work with, and be led by, more senior members of Chambers.

Steps to Pupillage

Why Choose DVC?

  • In-depth training.
  • Varied spectrum of work.
  • Offers a dynamic, stimulating and collegiate environment.
  • Dedicated pool of pupil masters coupled with support from junior Juniors pave the way for an illuminating and academic atmosphere.
  • Needs-based and merits-based scholarships offered to 1st year tenants.
  • Rent free grant offered to 1st year tenants.
  • All 2ne year tenants enjoy a junior subsidy.
  • All subsidies and grants are generously backed by Senior members of DVC.

Who Should Apply?

  • Disciplined students with intellectual rigour backed by a robust academic background.
  • Students with a genuine interest in law.
  • Recruitment is not dependent on background financial position or connections.

Work Experience

  • Students shadow a barrister to get a glimpse of their work for a short period, including the opportunity to attend court and client conferences.

Mini-Pupillage (Non-Assessed)

  • Students are encouraged to apply early in their studies (as early as Year 1 or in Law School).
  • This offers you a chance to ‘roll up your sleeves’ plus engage in real work that Junior barristers get involved in.


  • Standout students can apply for various scholarships.
  • DVC Junior Scholars will usually undertake an assessed Mini Pupillage.
  • DVC houses 4 Rhodes Scholars and over 20 Bar Scholars.
  • DVC offers scholarships and grants to students, mini pupils and prospective pupils.

Mini-Pupillage (Assessed)

  • Mini pupillage offer a ‘sandbox’ environment providing mini-pupils with first-hand insights, varied exposure and a high level of engagement
  • Preference is given to students who previously completed the non-assessed mini-pupillage.
  • Pupi Masters assess mini-pupils on the basis of customised assessment before the Mini Pupillage committee.
  • The assessment will be well-rounded, taking into account the student’s academic record, the quality of work completed during the entirety of the mini-pupillage, as well as a mock advocacy exercise.


  • 9 month pupils have a realistic prospect of securing tenancy.
  • DVC has a strong track record of retention: all pupils over the last 5 years were admitted as tenants.


Pupillage at DVC

Watch this video to find out what inspired Tiffany Chan (2018 call) and Look-Chan Ho (2018 call) to join the bar.