In response to the Hong Kong SAR government’s directive to “promote sports arbitration” as outlined in the 2024 Policy Address, eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre Limited hosted the “Speed and Justice – Technology x Sports Arbitration” forum last month in Hong Kong. Designed to further cement Hong Kong’s status as a global centre for sports arbitration, the forum was officiated by the Deputy Secretary for Justice Dr. Horace Cheung Kwok-kwan, SBS, JP, attracting a wide array of experts and practitioners in the field.
Yang-Wahn Hew of Des Voeux Chambers, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association’s Committee on Sports Law, and a member of the Department of Justice’s Advisory Committee on Sports Dispute Resolution, joined a panel that included Ronald Sum, JP, Vice Chairman of eBRAM; The Honourable Adrian Pedro Ho King-hong, member of the Legislative Council (Election Committee); The Honourable Duncan Chiu, Legislative Council Member for the Technology & Innovation Constituency, President of the Asian Squash Federation, and Chairman of the Squash Association of Hong Kong, China; and Pak Sun Hau, the Representative of the Law Society of Hong Kong and also a member of the Department of Justice’s Advisory Committee on Sports Dispute Resolution.
The panel explored the legal frameworks and dispute resolution mechanisms necessary for Hong Kong to evolve into a global sports hub. Panellists also offered constructive proposals on policy alignment, resource integration, regional collaboration, and on how to further reinforce Hong Kong’s position as a leading hub for sports arbitration.