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What it means to invest in Chinese offshore assets could be changing

31 May 2021

DVC’s Look-Chan Ho is quoted in a recent article published by The Economist

What it means to invest in Chinese offshore assets could be changing… Look-Chan Ho who helped pioneer the new HK/Mainland cross-border insolvency arrangement was quoted in an article entitled What it means to invest in Chinese offshore assets could be changing, which appeared in The Economist on 29th May 2021.

On May 14th courts on both sides of the border said they could begin to mutually recognise some insolvency cases. The pilot project will help courts in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xiamen acknowledge restructuring or liquidation orders from Hong Kong courts that involve assets in the three mainland cities…. Over time, though, as courts on both sides of the border become more familiar with each other, it could “potentially break down the high barrier” between mainland China and Hong Kong, says Look Chan Ho, a barrister in Hong Kong who helped design the pilot.

A link to the full article appears here