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DVC Members acted as arbitrators at FDI Moot Shenzhen 2022

29 Aug 2022

Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) is delighted to have been one of the sponsors of FDI Moot Shenzhen 2022, hosted by the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA). The event attracted 42 teams and over 300 participants from Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, as well as more than 260 legal professionals from 46 countries and regions around the world acting as arbitrators.

DVC members Chua Guan-Hock, SC, JP, Ling Chun Wai, Jacqueline Law and Michael Lok were invited to participate as arbitrators in both the Online Preliminary Rounds and Elimination rounds, during which they evaluated and provided feedback on the teams’ performance. Michael Lok was also nominated by the SCIA to preside over a Regional Round of the FDI Moot after the Shenzhen stop, together with co-arbitrators from India and Greece.

FDI Moot, as one of the most prestigious Moot court competitions worldwide, helps future lawyers gain a practical understanding of the issues that arise out of obligations between host states and foreign investors. In 2020, the SCIA was authorized by the Global Organizer of the FDI Moot to act as the exclusive Chinese Organizer to host the China National Round (FDI Moot Shenzhen). Since 2021, the FDI Moot Shenzhen has been operating as a full-fledged qualifying round for Chinese teams seeking to advance to the FDI Moot Global.