News & Events

DVC Juniors’ Cocktail

27 Jun 2018

In an event that was teeming with trainees, associates and partners from international and local law firms, many of DVC’s Juniors under 10 years’ call welcomed close to 100 guests at the inaugural DVC Juniors’ Cocktail on 27 June held at China Tang.

José-Antonio Maurellet SC headlined the event with a brief but powerful summary which focused on the art of advocacy. Drawing from his extensive arc of experience on the frontlines, Jose put together an advocacy toolkit which included pointers on how to persuade and build trust with the judge  – without being silver tongued. He emphasised the importance of not over-pitching, picking points carefully and the value of brevity and conciseness over a spray and pray approach by referencing a popular Chinese film ” Let the bullets fly.” He wrapped up by underscoring the importance of managing clients’ expectations and advancing carefully crafted written submissions.

The cocktail facilitated a happy confluence of meaningful ideas and new introductions; it gave DVC’s Juniors a chance to dial into the discussions that our guests were having and to discover what their bugbears were. It also enabled our members to showcase their experience and to renew ties with former peers from Law School as well as their University cohorts from their Undergraduate days; spawning new ideas relating to possible collaborative opportunities down the track.

All in, the atmosphere was irrepressibly lively and the event very well received.