News & Events

DVC is delighted to announce an exclusive collaboration with Westlaw Asia

26 May 2020

DVC has partnered with Westlaw Asia to showcase a body of illuminating case reports authored by DVC’s barristers over the last two years – and these are featured on Westlaw’s Practical Law platform. These will be updated on a real-time basis.

These articles and case reports demonstrate how DVC’s barristers have been at the coalface of many of the major (and minor) trends in the lion’s share of different sectors, including administrative & public law, arbitration & mediation, chancery, commercial law, company law and insolvency, competition, construction, criminal, employment & anti-discrimination, family, intellectual property, international trade, land and planning, securities and tax law.

If you think you’ve missed something, this is an ideal opportunity to catch up on leading developments, come away with key takeaways, and avoid pitfalls in the future.

DVC’s Case Reports and Articles can be found archived under the Journals tab/Hong Kong Journals/ Des Voeux Chambers – A Word of Counsel