
Jasmine Cheung

BCL, Magdalen College, University of Oxford
PCLL (Distinction), University of Hong Kong
BA (Hons) in Law (Triple First Class Honours), Jesus College, University of Cambridge

“Jasmine stands out for her exceptional legal acumen and thorough understanding of a wide range of legal disciplines. Her adeptness in navigating intricate legal frameworks, especially in high-stakes environments, ensures that all procedural and substantive legal aspects are comprehensively addressed. Furthermore, her clear and concise drafting skills have consistently facilitated effective communication with the courts and all parties involved.”

- Legal 500 Asia Pacific: Hong Kong Bar (2025)



Jasmine’s practice covers a wide spectrum of civil and commercial disputes. Aside from company and insolvency matters (including winding up petitions, schemes of arrangement, derivative actions, shareholder disputes, appointments of provisional liquidators and liquidators, and appeals against admissions or rejections of proofs of debt), her practice also encompasses securities and regulatory matters, asset recovery, property, trust, defamation, intellectual property and mental health law.

Jasmine has been involved in leading cases such as the Convoy litigation, keepwell bonds disputes concerning the Peking University Founder Group and the Tsinghua Group, and winding-up proceedings involving listed companies such as the Logan Group, the Redsun Group and the Lerthai Group. She has also appeared in proceedings concerning schemes of arrangement of China Aoyuan Group, Sino Oil and Gas Holdings Ltd, Helenbergh China Holdings Ltd and aCommerce Group Ltd. She regularly appears in courts both as sole advocate and as led junior.

Prior to joining chambers, Jasmine completed her BA (Hons) in Law at the University of Cambridge on the Prince Philip Scholarship with Triple First Class Honours, obtaining a number of awards and mooting prizes. She went on to complete her BCL degree at the University of Oxford on scholarship, and she joined Chambers as a tenant in 2018 after completion of her pupillage with Mr. José-Antonio Maurellet SC, Mr. Derek CL Chan (now Mr. Derek CL Chan SC), Ms. Rachel Lam (now Ms. Rachel Lam SC) and Mr. Christopher Chain (now Mr. Christopher Chain SC).

Jasmine is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

Notable Cases

Winding-Up and Insolvency Related Matters

  • Acted for the opposing creditors for various creditors’ schemes of arrangement, including Re Sino Oil and Gas Holdings Ltd [2024] 2 HKLRD 1084 (reasons for decision for the appeal pending; see also [2023] HKCFI 3374); Re aCommerce Group Ltd [2024] HKCFI 2216; Re Helenbergh China Holdings Ltd [2024] HKCFI 2628 and the China Aoyuan Group (reasons for decision pending)
  • Re Adoniss Ltd; Re Ashit Sud[2022] 2 HKLRD 898: Appeared as sole advocate for the Union Bank of India in winding up and bankruptcy proceedings concerning, inter alia, whether the Petitioner’s rejection of the debtor’s security proposals were unreasonable, and the impact of overstating an amount due in the statutory demand and the petition
  • Re L&A International HoldingsLtd[2021] HKCFI 3095: Conducted a 5-day trial as sole advocate on behalf of an opposing contributory in the winding-up petition of a listed company on just and equitable grounds
  • Citicorp International Ltd v Tsinghua Unigroup Co., Ltd[2022] 2 HKLRD 1225; [2023] HKCLC 555: Represented Tsinghua Unigroup Co., Ltd in applying for a stay of Hong Kong proceedings in view of restructuring proceedings in Mainland China, and in a trial concerning the enforceability of keepwell deeds and equity interest purchase undertakings (“EIPUs”) (led by Mr. José-Antonio Maurellet SC)
  • Nuoxi Capital Ltd (in liquidation in the British Virgin Islands) v Peking University Founder Group Co Ltd[2023] HKCLC 263: Represented Peking University Founder Group Co Ltd in a trial concerning the enforceability of keepwell deeds and EIPUs and its appeal (led by Mr. José-Antonio Maurellet SC and with Mr. Tom Ng)
  • Re Value Food Supply Ltd[2020] HKCLC 1487; [2021] HKCLC 1489: Appeared for the petitioner in winding-up proceedings and subsequently in an application concerning the identity of proposed liquidators (led by Ms. Rachel Lam SC)
  • Re China Cultural City Ltd[2020] 4 HKLRD 1; [2020] HKCLC 1199: Appeared for the Petitioner in winding-up proceedings, which raised questions as to the locus standi of a beneficiary of a debt held under a bare trust to present a winding-up petition, and the role of an opposing contributory in winding-up petitions (with Mr. Christopher Chain (now Mr. Christopher Chain SC))
  • Dingway Investment v China City Construction & Development Co (Hong Kong) Ltd[2022] 4 HKLRD 67: Application to discharge an injunction obtained on the basis of the Chabra jurisdiction of the Court in a winding-up petition (led by Dr. William Wong SC, JP)
  • Appeared for Petitioner banks / asset management companies/trustees in winding-up proceedings, Re Hongkong Corfu Industry Ltd[2020] HKCFI 3039 (led by Mr. Douglas Lam SC), Re Lerthai Group Ltd [2021] HKCLC 41 (led by Mr. Douglas Lam SC), Re Aether Ltd [2021] HKCLC 603; [2021] HKCLC 943 (led by Ms. Eva Sit SC) and petitions to wind up the subsidiaries of Logan Group Company Ltd


Other Company Matters

  • Wah Nam Group Ltd v Roderick John Sutton & anor[2018] HKCA 687; [2020] HKCA 30: Resisting an appeal in relation to the engagement of the rule against reflective loss (with Ms. Rachel Lam SC)
  • Wang Pengying (王鵬英) (suing on behalf of herself and all other shareholders in Convoy Global Holdings Ltd and Convoy Finance Ltd) v Ng Wing Fai & ors[2019] HKCFI 3074; [2021] 1 HKLRD 997: Applications to strike out common law derivative actions, and resisting the Plaintiff’s appeal at the Court of Appeal (led by Mr. José-Antonio Maurellet SC and with Mr. Jason Yu)
  • Kwok Hiu Kwan v Johnny Chen & Convoy Global Holdings Ltd[2018] 6 HKC 394; [2020] HKC 403; [2021] 4 HKC 167; [2021] HKCA 1145: Resisting application for injunctions and declarations in relation to the Chairman’s decision at an EGM to disallow voting rights, and resisting the Plaintiff’s appeal at the Court of Appeal (led by Mr. José-Antonio Maurellet SC and with Mr. Jason Yu)
  • Great Sea Global Ltd & ors v Registrar of Companies & ors[2020] 6 HKC 664: Resisting application for a declaration that various resolutions passed at an EGM were null and void by applying, inter alia, the irregularity principle (led by Dr. William Wong SC, JP and with Mr. Michael Lok)
  • Re Topmix (International) Co Ltd & ors;Re Topmix Industrial Ltd & ors[2020] HKCLC 31: Shareholders’ applications for orders under 740 of the Companies Ordinance to inspect the companies’ documents (with Mr. Terrence Tai)
  • Various applications under the Companies Ordinance (as sole advocate), including for extension of time to hold AGMs and lay reporting documents (Re Kidsloop Ltd[2021] HKCFI 1454), and for removal of offending annual returns (Re XFMRS Ltd [2021] HKCLC 1617)
  • Various schemes of arrangement for privatisation of listed companies (led by Mr. José-Antonio Maurellet SC), including Re Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co Ltd[2019] HKCFI 64, Re China Power Clean Energy Development Company Ltd [2019] HKCLC 797, Re Dah Chong Hong Holdings Ltd [2020] HKCLC 274, Re China Agri-Industries Holdings Ltd [2020] HKCLC 367, Re Joyce Boutique Group Ltd [2020] HKCLC 727 and Re SHK Hong Kong Industries Ltd [2021] HKCLC 611; and various creditors’ schemes of arrangement (whether representing the scheme company or opposing creditors)


General Civil and Commercial

  • Bank of India v Gimajasa Ltd[2021] HKCFI 387: Represented Bank of India in a 3-day trial as sole advocate
  • Emperor Prestige Credit Ltd v King Pak Fu[2021] HKC 41; [2021] HKCFI 1013: Application to set aside an order for substituted service (as sole advocate)
  • Agritrade Resources Ltd v Ashok Kumar Sahoo[2021] HKCFI 685; [2021] HKCFI 1605: Represented the Defendant in its application to discharge an ex parte worldwide Mareva injunction (as sole advocate)
  • Taiping Securities (HK) Co Ltd v Mystery Idea Ltd & ors[2021] HKCFI 2362: Appeared for the 2nd Defendant in his appeal against an order dispensing with re-service of a Writ and resisting the Plaintiff’s applications for, inter alia, leave to extend the validity of the Writ and for service out (as sole advocate)
  • Re Gold Fund Securities Company Ltd[2020] HKCFI 2884; Re Quest Stockbrokers (HK) Ltd [2022] HKCFI 2578; Re Ying Wah Securities Company Ltd [2023] HKCFI 834; Re Lamtex Securities Ltd [2023] HKCFI 1107: Applications by securities brokers which had ceased to carry on business to pay unclaimed cash and securities into Court (as sole advocate)


Injunctions & Asset Recovery

  • Probiocare Pte. Ltd. v Chin Shau Bing(HCMP 662/2023): Ex parte application for relief in aid of Singapore proceedings pursuant to s.21M of the High Court Ordinance (Cap. 4) (as sole advocate)
  • Lavender Row Limited v CMB International Finance Limited & anor(HCA 1358/2019): Acted for Plaintiff in application to restrain defendants from disposing of shares (with Ms. Rachel Lam SC)
  • OUE Lippo Healthcare Ltd v David Lin Kao Kun[2019] HKCFI 1630: Represented Singapore-listed company in its application to enforce a SIAC arbitration award (which was resisted on grounds of forgery and lack of proper notice), and ancillary post-judgment Mareva injunction (led by Mr. José-Antonio Maurellet SC and with Mr. Christopher Chain (now Mr. Christopher Chain SC))
  • Yoichi Kuga v Saronic Holdings Limited(HCMP 1180/2018): Application for interim relief in aid of Luxembourg proceedings pursuant to s.21M of the High Court Ordinance (Cap. 4) (led by Dr. William Wong SC and with Mr. David Fong)
  • Appeared for plaintiffs in applications for injunctions, disclosure orders and/or gagging orders in respect of global cyber frauds, including HCA 2416/2018, HCA 1815/2019, HCA 2398/2019HCMP 1059/2021, HCA 1229/2023



  • R v A[2023] HKCFI 2034: Application to set aside an arbitral award under section 34 of the Arbitration Ordinance; issues in dispute include whether the decision was one on jurisdiction, and the approach of the Court in reviewing jurisdictional rulings (led by Mr Douglas Lam SC)
  • Securities and Futures Commission v Yik Fong Fong & ors[2021] HKCFI 3351: Appeared for the Securities and Futures Commission in a civil trial concerning insider dealing (led by Ms. Rachel Lam SC)
  • Dickson Valora Group (Holdings) Co Ltd & anorv Fan Ji QianDickson Holdings Enterprise Co Ltd v Moravia CV & ors[2019] 2 HKLRD 173; [2019] 3 HKLRD 210: Applications for “quasi-contractual” anti-suit injunction on the basis of arbitration clause against defendant who was not party to the arbitration clause in question, and for striking out or mandatory stay of unfair prejudice petition (led by Ms. Rachel Lam SC and with Mr. Terrence Tai)
  • Chu Kong v Lau Wing Yan & ors[2019] 1 HKLRD 589: Resisting appeal in relation to mandatory stay of proceedings pending arbitration (led by Mr. José-Antonio Maurellet SC and with Mr. Michael Lok)

Memberships and Appointments

  • Member of the Council of the Hong Kong Bar Association

Scholarships and Awards

  • Charles Ching Memorial Scholarship (2018-2019)
  • Middle Temple Advocacy Scholarship (2017-2018)
  • Harry Liu Postgraduate Scholarship (2016-2017)
  • HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund (2015-2016)
  • Hou De Charitable Foundation Scholarship for the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws Programme (2015-2016)
  • Thomson Reuters Law Prize (2015-2016)
  • The Sweet & Maxwell Edlyn Yap Prize for Litigation (2015-2016)
  • Prince Philip Scholarship (2012-2015)
  • Blackstone Chambers De Smith Mooting Competition Champion (2015)
  • Des Voeux Chambers Cambridge Junior Scholarship (2015)
  • Glanville Williams Prize for Part II Law (2015)
  • Hogan Lovells Prize for Law Tripos Part IB (2014), Part IA (2013)
  • Jesus College Scholarship for Law Tripos Part II (2015), Part IB (2014), Part IA (2013)

Publications / Lecture / Talks

  • Contributing Editor to Hong Kong Company Law Cases (2008 – 2019) – published in 2020 by DVC in collaboration with Kluwer
  • Deploying Injunctions in Shareholder Disputes” (CPD Seminar, May 2019)


for Jasmine Cheung

Jasmine Cheung has been recognised as a Rising Star for Commercial disputes.

Jasmine stands out for her exceptional legal acumen and thorough understanding of a wide range of legal disciplines. Her adeptness in navigating intricate legal frameworks, especially in high-stakes environments, ensures that all procedural and substantive legal aspects are comprehensively addressed. Furthermore, her clear and concise drafting skills have consistently facilitated effective communication with the courts and all parties involved.

— Legal 500 Asia Pacific: Hong Kong Bar (2025)

Jasmine Cheung is accredited as a Rising Star for Commercial Disputes.

“Jasmine is a very bright junior. She’s intelligent, hardworking, and detailed minded, she is very well-prepared for every hearing, and her advocacy is well-paced, organised, and cuts to the chase.”

— Legal 500 Asia Pacific: Hong Kong Bar (2024)

Book Releases

by Jasmine Cheung