Sabrina joined Chambers in 2009 upon completion of her pupillage. She practises in all areas of civil work, with an emphasis on commercial, company and insurance law.
Sabrina is a member of the Hong Kong Election Committee (Legal Sector), the Chairman of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Appeal Board, a Deputy Chairman of the Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance), a member of the Competition Commission and a government appointed lay member of the Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Sabrina is a member of the List of Arbitrators of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, a member of the Panel of Arbitrators of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration and a member of the Panel of Arbitrators of AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre. She was a former director of eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre Limited.
Fluent in Mandarin and written Chinese, Sabrina has been involved in various complex court cases and arbitrations involving Mainland corporates and individuals. She is the Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong and Mainland Legal Profession Association. She is a member of the Council and the secretary of the Standing Committee on Mainland Affairs of the Hong Kong Bar Association.
Lam Pok (Jimmy) v. Lee Hin Long & Anor [2021] HKCFI 779
Represented the Petitioner in an Election Petition of the District Council Election. In this case, the Court developed the law on Section 27 of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554). The Court granted the Petition and held that the 1st Respondent had committed illegal conduct under the above provision.
Cheng Keung Fung v. Hung Chun Hin & Anor [2021] 1 HKLRD 1051
Represented the Petitioner in an Election Petition of the District Council Election. The Court found in favour of the Petitioner and held that the 1st Respondent had committed illegal conduct under Section 26 of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554).
Quaestus Capital Pte Ltd v. Everton Associates Ltd & Anor [2021] HKCFI 1367
Jurisdiction challenge by the 2nd Defendant involving whether strong cause has been shown for not enforcing an exclusive jurisdiction clause. Represented the Plaintiff (led by John Scott SC, QC, JP).
Allied Treasure Investment Ltd v. Chan Ka Ling & Anor HCMP 1700/2016 [2020] HKCFI 3135
Money lender and mortgage dispute. Represented the 1st Defendant in a 4 days’ trial.
Leung Yuet Keung v. Harbour Front Ltd & Anors HCMP 1471/2019 [2020] HKCFI 1912
Shareholders’ dispute involving unfair prejudice petition and cross-petition between the parties. Represented the Respondent to strike out the cross-petition.
Chow Lily v. Chow Wai Wai Violet & Ors HCAP 22/2019 [2020] HKCFI 1972; [2021] HKCFI 1274
Probate action involving the estate of Dr. Chow Yei Ching, a well-known businessman in Hong Kong. Represented the Defendants in opposing an application for administrator pendente lite (led by Benjamin Yu SC and Teresa Wu).
Kung Kin Wing & Anor v. Splendid Profit International Holdings Ltd HCIP 78/2019 [2020] HKCFI 894
Trademark action involving the well-known trademark of Sour and Spicy Noodles (傷心酸辣粉). Represented the Plaintiffs by Original Action and Defendants by Counterclaim in a 5 days’ trial.
Re A HCMP 2728/2017 [2020] HKCFI 493
Landmark case on the issue of whether third party funding should generally be allowed in Court litigations. Represented the Secretary for Justice in the proceedings.
Tribunal, Election Committee and Advisory Committees
- Deputy District Judge of the Hong Kong District Court for periods in 2021
- Temporary Deputy Registrar of the Hong Kong High Court for periods in 2020, 2021 and 2022
- Member of Hong Kong Election Committee, Legal Sector
- Chairman of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Appeal Board
- Deputy Chairman of the Panel of the Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance)
- Member of the Competition Commission
- Government appointed Lay member of the Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
- Member of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform
- Board-appointed member of the Disciplinary Committee of the Estate Agents Authority
- Member of the Torture Claims Appeal Board
- Steering Committee Member on Rule of Law Education
- Former Director of eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre Limited
Hong Kong Bar Association
- Member of the Bar Council
- Secretary of the Mainland Affairs Committee
- Committee Member of the Arbitration Committee
Arbitration Related
- List of Arbitrators of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
- Panel of Arbitrators of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration
- Panel of Arbitrators of the AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre
Mainland Related
- Council Member of the China Law Society
- Vice President of the Hong Kong and Mainland Legal Professional Association (HKMLPA)
- Contributing Editor of the Hong Kong Civil Procedure Rules (White Book)
- Author of the Annotated Ordinance in Hong Kong: Insurance Ordinance (Cap 41)
- Contributing Author of Annotated Ordinance Hong Kong: Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) of the Companies Ordinance, Commentary and Annotations
- Contributing Editor to Hong Kong Company Law Cases (2008 – 2019) – published in 2020 by DVC in collaboration with Kluwer
- Presenter of the Common Law Course for LLB and LLM at the Peking University, Beijing
- 2007-2008 Blackstone Chambers Prize for Best Overall Performance in Commercial Law
- 2007-2008 Middle Temple Advocacy Training Scholarship
- 2005-2006 Dean’s Honours List
- 2004-2005 Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarships
- 2003-2004 F. Zimmern & Co Prize in Legal Systems
- 2003-2004 Foundation Entrance Scholarship
Sabrina Ho has been recognised in the category of Commercial Dispute Resolution: The Bar by Chambers and Partners – Greater China Region 2025
Chambers Review shared that “Sabrina Ho is particularly prominent in company and commercial law cases, including insurance, shareholder and contractual disputes, and is also frequently sought out to act as counsel in contentious trusts and probate cases.”
Clients commented that “Sabrina is a skillful advocate and can tailor her oral submissions appropriately to help clients achieve the best results,” “Sabrina is very quick, very responsive and very insightful. She has very good relationships with barristers and solicitors and is extremely good at understanding the issues,” and “She is really excellent and always our first choice.“
- Chambers & Partners Greater China Region (2025)
Sabrina Ho has been recognised as a Tier 2 Leading Junior for Commercial disputes by Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2025 – Hong Kong Bar.
- Legal 500 Asia Pacific: Hong Kong Bar (2025)
Sabrina Ho was ranked by Chambers and Partners Greater China Region 2024 in the field of Commercial Dispute Resolution.
Chambers Review shared that “Sabrina Ho is particularly prominent in company and commercial law cases, including insurance, shareholder and contractual disputes, and is also frequently sought out to act as counsel in contentious trusts and probate cases.”
Clients commented that “Sabrina is very capable of grasping key points and has an ability to put them clearly and succinctly in advocacy. She’s also very good with clients, down to earth and easy to engage with.” and “She’s excellent and extremely responsive as a junior counsel; she’s one of the best juniors that we’ve worked with.“.
- Chambers & Partners Greater China Region (2024)
‘Sabrina is able to recall, understand, and accurately apply the law and procedure relevant to advocacy to the matters she is dealing with. She is thorough and pragmatic, presenting reasoned arguments in a clear, logical, concise and persuasive manner, and she produces coherent, well-structured and concise submissions, citing legal authorities and materials appropriately.’ Sabrina Ho is recognised as a Leading Junior for Commercial Disputes.
- Legal 500 Asia Pacific: Hong Kong Bar (2024)
Sabrina Ho of Des Voeux Chambers is particularly prominent in company and commercial law cases, including insurance, shareholder and contractual disputes, and is also frequently sought out to act as counsel in contentious trusts and probate cases. Sabrina is accredited for Commercial Dispute Resolution: The Bar.
“She always grasps the case very quickly and is able to give appropriate advice. Her input is very valuable and she’s excellent on her feet. She’s very engaging and user-friendly.”
“She’s very commercial and able to achieve the lay client’s goals.”
“She has lots of experience in insurance cases.”
- Chambers & Partners Greater China Region (2023)
‘Sabrina is incredibly bright and truly hard-working. She is a fantastic junior, who is extremely good with details.’ Sabrina Ho is recognised as a Leading Junior for Commercial Disputes.
- Legal 500 Asia Pacific: Hong Kong Bar (2023)
Sabrina Ho received the following recognition from Who’s Who Legal 2023 in the field of Commercial Litigation.
– Future Leader – Non-partners – Commercial Litigation 2023
- Who’s Who Legal (2023)
Sabrina is accredited for being “impressive.” She is lauded for being “efficient and responsive, able to work under pressure to a very tight timeline, and her advice is practical and her advocacy skill excellent… “Once she takes on a case, she will commit totally and remain willing to go the extra mile.” She is particularly prominent in company and commercial law cases, including insurance, shareholder and contractual disputes, and is also frequently sought out to act as counsel in contentious trusts and probate cases.
- Chambers & Partners Greater China Region (2022)
‘Sabrina is a pleasure to work with. She is responsive, collaborative and efficient. She can handle all the details and technicalities of a case. A very hard-working junior.’ Sabrina Ho is recognised as a Leading Junior for Commercial Disputes.
- Legal 500 Asia Pacific: Hong Kong Bar (2022)
Sabrina Ho has been recognized by Who’s Who Legal as a “Future Leader” in the field of Commercial Litigation.
- Who's Who Legal: Global Leaders (2022)
Sabrina Ho “Sabrina is a joy to work with,” and she is described as a “knowledgeable, approachable, hard-working and responsive” counsel with “a knack for making lay clients feel at ease.” She is also “mindful of details” and canvasses acclaim for her “excellent people skills: she is everything you want from a junior: she’s very meticulous, thorough and works well in a team.”
- Chambers & Partners Asia Pacific (2021)
“An outstanding senior junior: she has an excellent grasp of law, is quick to see the commercial angle in any matter and is absolutely first class with clients – she is always patient, logical and persuasive. I have every confidence that she is a future star of the Hong Kong commercial bar.” Sabrina Ho is singled out as a Leading Junior for Commercial Disputes.
- Legal 500 Asia Pacific: Hong Kong Bar (2021)
Sabrina Ho of Des Voeux Chambers stands out for her ability to establish a rapport with all participants in the legal process, one source identifying her as a “very diligent junior, trusted by many of the senior members of the Bar community,” while another notes that “she is well liked by all solicitors for her handling of clients, while both clients and the Bench find her friendly and respectable.” Nor are interviewees slow to praise her “succinct and clear” court presentation, more than one emphasising her flair for “skilful crossexamination.” Most active in the commercial, company and insurance spheres, she is increasingly seen in a sole or leading advocate role.
- Chambers & Partners Asia Pacific (2020)
Sabrina Ho of Des Voeux Chambers is characterised by peers as a “very busy,” “very hardworking, excellent junior” who “has done very well” in recent cases. Solicitors value her as a “very user-friendly barrister who proactively asks where assistance on particular issues is required,” “keeps clients calm, reassuring them that the matter is being supported as it should be,” and “presents well, not taking silly points and not upsetting the judges.” Within a broad commercial remit, she offers particularly focused expertise in the areas of company law and insurance and contributed to the successful outcome for the defendant in Elite Dragon Limited v BEL Global Resources Holdings Limited, a High Court case which largely concerned the application of the law governing the extent of directors’ fiduciary duties.