Paul is a Bar Scholar. He joined Chambers after completing pupillage with Mr Joseph Lee, Mr Alexander Tang, Mr Kerby Lau and Mr Michael Lok. He is developing a broad civil practice and accepts instructions in all areas of work.
Paul graduated with First Class Honours in his LLB degree at the University of Hong Kong and achieved distinction for his PCLL. He went on to obtain the LLM from the University of Cambridge with First Class Honours, ranking first in his college. During his studies, Paul was awarded various academic and mooting prizes, including being awarded in the 19th Willem C Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot.
Paul’s academic work on public law and equity has been published in peer-reviewed journals in Hong Kong, Australia and the United Kingdom. He has been appointed as a part-time lecturer (non-clinical) at University of Hong Kong teaching Commercial Law.
During his first year of practice, Paul has been instructed as sole and junior counsel in various substantive applications before the District Court and the High Court, including mortgagee actions, summary judgment and striking out.
Paul is fluent in English, Cantonese, and Putonghua.
Civil and Commercial Law
- CTBC Bank Co Ltd v Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited [2024] HKCFI 2820; [2024] HKCFI 3525 – forum non conveniens application (with Mr Alexander Tang); appointment of single joint expert (as sole counsel)
- Ang Jimmy Tjun Min v Khoo Chun Kim (HCA 16/2021) – appointment of expert witnesses (led by Mr Daniel Fung SC, with Ms Ebony Ling)
- LIVI Bank Limited v Voltac Limited (HCA 773/2024) – charging order (as sole counsel)
- Xtreme Business Enterprises Limited v Volcano Production Limited (HCA 1865/2023) – resisting summary judgment application; contractual dispute (as sole counsel)
- Landing Entertainment Korea Co Ltd v Chau Mei Ying [2025] HKDC 114 – forum non conveniens application (with Mr Martin Lau)
- Law v Lai (DCPI 1105/2024) – resisting striking out application; personal injury claim (as sole counsel)
- Joint and Several Liquidators of Hsin Chong Construction (Asia) Limited (in Liquidation) v Wong Po Kee Limited (HCCW 316/2018) – void dispositions; building contract disputes (led by Mr Anson Wong SC)
Property Law
- Wo Kee Administration Limited v Honco Management Limited [2024] HKCFI 1767; [2024] HKCFI 3318 – landlord & tenants disputes; construction of tenancy agreement; assessment of damages (as sole counsel)
- 香港平民屋宇有限公司 對 馮德樂 [2024] HKDC 2110 – resisting stay application pending judicial review (led by Mr Patrick Fung SC, with Mr Michael Lok)
- The Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation Ltd v Lee Soo Shim [2025] HKDC 241 – interlocutory application; effect of compromise agreement (with Mr Michael Lok)
- The Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation Ltd v Fung Tak Lok [2025] HKDC 261 – setting aside default judgment; joinder application (with Mr Michael Lok)
- The Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation Ltd v Wong Kwai Wing [2025] HKDC 262 – joinder application; claim of breach of Basic Law and Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance in private law proceedings (with Mr Michael Lok)
Trusts, Probate, and Administration of Estates
- Re Estate of Yeung Kam (HCAP 19/2022) – delivery-up order; Beddoe application; removal of administrator (with Mr Kerby Lau)
- Re Estate of Yeung Wai Chiu (HCA 773/2023) – removal of co-executor (as sole counsel)
- Re Estate of Chen Yu Ling Yu [2024] HKCFI 3593 – setting aside invalid power of attorney (with Mr Kerby Lau)
- Mat Ng (in his capacity as the Administrator of the estate of Karupaya Selvaraj, Deceased) v Moorthy Selvaraj (HCMP 2385/2024) – application for approval of settlement agreement (as sole counsel)
- HKSAR v Lam (HCMA98/2024) (with Mr Joseph Lee)
- Advised on regulatory offences (led by Mr Tony Li SC)
- Appeared in disciplinary hearing (with Mr Joseph Lee)
- Part-time Lecturer (Non-Clinical), Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (Present)
- Bar Scholarship (2023)
- Jeffrey W Cook Prize (for Highest First Class LLM in Hughes Hall) (2023)
- Cambridge University Blackstone Chambers De Smith Moot – Finalist (2023)
- DVC Harry Liu Postgraduate Scholarship (2022)
- 19th Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot (2022)
- Honourable Mention for Best Individual Oral Advocate
- Honourable Mention for Best Claimant Memorandum
- Deacons Cup – Finalist (2021)
- The Basic Law Mooting Competition 2020 – First Runner-up (2020)
- 7th LRC Law Reform Essay Competition 2020 (2020)
- Ho King Chun Leadership Fund (2020)
- Rosita King Ho Scholarship Fund (2019)
- Law for Change Student Competition 2018, Runner-up (2018)
- Paul Law, ‘Matter of Precedent: Monat v All Person(s) in Occupation of Part of No 16 Ma Po Tsuen [2023] HKCA 479’ (2024) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal (Forthcoming)
- Paul Law, ‘Co-owners, Occupation Rent, and Equitable Accounting’ (2022) 16 Journal of Equity 56
- Paul Law and Trevor TW Wan, ‘Standing Up for Public Interest Standing: The Hong Kong Experience’ (2022) 27 Judicial Review 95
- Paul Law and Trevor TW Wan, ‘Recordation and Review by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee under the Hong Kong Basic Law (2022) 52 Hong Kong Law Journal 43