MembersJoshua Yeung


Joshua Yeung

PCLL, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Distinction) (2021)
LLM, University of Cambridge (First Class Honours) (2020)
LLB, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (First Overall in Class) (2019)
Joshua Yeung



Joshua is a Bar Scholar. He joined Chambers in 2022 upon completion of his pupillage with Mr. Tony Li (now Mr. Tony Li SC), Mr. Christopher Chain (now Mr. Christopher Chain SC), Miss Connie Lee and Mr. Kerby Lau.

Prior to joining Chambers, Joshua graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, ranking first in his LLB class for all four years of study. He went on to complete his Master of Law from the University of Cambridge with First Class Honours. During his studies, Joshua was awarded a string of scholarships and prizes for academic excellence and achievements in debating and mooting. Joshua is currently appointed as a coach of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jessup Moot Team.

Joshua is developing a broad civil practice and accepts instructions in all areas of work. He has been instructed by the Department of Justice, professional and finance institutions and high net-wealth private clients to advise and act on a range of disputes. He has also been instructed to provide legal opinions on Hong Kong law for use in foreign proceedings.

Joshua is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese, and is experienced in drafting legal documents in both simplified and traditional Chinese.

Selected Cases

General Civil & Commercial

  • Tsai Lee Tsing and Another v Best Leader Precious Metals Ltd and Others [2023] HKCFI 2124 Successfully discontinued a Mareva injunction in the sum of US$212 million (led by Johnny Ma SC, with Mr Look-Chan Ho)
  • Wong Cheung Lok v Mutual Benefits Enterprise Ltd (HCA 1264/2023) Successfully resisted application for interim-interim proprietary injunction (as sole counsel)
  • Zhang Rui Kang and Others v Tunghsu Group Co Ltd [2023] HKCFI 1866, [2023] HKCFI 2106 Application to discharge service out of jurisdiction for claims made under Global Notes in the total sum of over US$100 million (led by Chua Guan-Hock SC, with Mr Alexander Tang) [2024] HKCA 361 Leave to appeal dismissed by Court of Appeal
  • Taihei Dengyo Kaisha, Ltd. v Bok Jeong Hong Kong Co., Limited (HCA 88/2022) Successfully obtained summary judgment in email fraud case (as sole counsel)
  • Hereaeus Ltd v Chan Yun Mui and Another [2022] HKCA 1913 Appeal on findings of fact in a contractual dispute (led by Johnny Ma SC, with Ms Cindy Kong)
  • Nimble Holdings Company Limited & Anor v FTI Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited (HCA 1152/2017 and HCA 92/2014) Summons for leave to adduce expert evidence in a liquidator misrepresentation and professional negligence case (with Mr. Look-Chan Ho)
  • KMok Consulting Limited v Stanley KC Limited (DCCJ 6051/2019) Successfully resisted application for leave to adduce expert evidence on accounting matters (as sole advocate)

Company & Insolvency

  • Lohas Holding Ltd v The Registrar of Companies and Another [2022] HKCFI 3358, [2022] 5 HKLRD 653 Leading case on application of the irregularity principle (with Mr Lai Chun Ho)

Chancery & Probate

  • Angela Chen v Wai Wai Chen (HCAP 10/2020) High-profile multi-billion probate dispute (ongoing)
  • Kong Hin Sze Vincent, a minor, represented by Hui Sheung Ying, his next friend and mother v Kong Man Pan & Ors (HCMP 301/2023) Application for removal of executors and provision of inventory and account of the estate, settled  (with Mr Kerby Lau)
  • Tin Ying Wah v Tin Yung Sin, The Executor of the Estate of Cheung Fung Yan, Deceased & Anr [2024] HKCFI 469 Application for removal of executor and appointment of independent administrators (with Mr Terrence Tai)
  • Siao Miao Hua sued by Ma Siu Yee Joanna Her Next Friend v Wu Ching Kuen, The Administratrix of the Estate of Ma Chiu Hoi Sanford, Deceased [2024] HKCFI 232 Successful common intention constructive trust claim (led by Johnny Ma SC)
  • Cheung Chu Chau, by Cheung Pui Chuen his next friend v Wong Wai Hung, The Executor of the Will of Cheung Yu Tzu and Anor [2023] HKCFI 2966 Application for trial of preliminary issues in a dispute concerning whether Chinese customary law applies to the estate of the Deceased (with Mr Kerby Lau)
  • Elysium Ltd and Another v Sum Ka Kuen Dominic and Others [2023] HKCFI 1690 Successfully resisted joinder application in a multi-million dollar cross-border trust dispute (led by Dr William Wong SC, with Mr Kerby Lau)
  • Aleph Fabrizio Kraus, a minor by Eric George Kraus, his next friend and father v All Asset Management (Asia) Ltd and Another [2022] HKCFI 2992, [2023] HKCFI 1827  Acted for the plaintiff in resisting a joinder application involving a multi-million dollar trust dispute (led by William Wong SC, with Mr Lai Chun Ho)
  • Chan Mei Lan & Bruno Arboit v Wong Weng Wa & Anor (HCMP 1187/2021)  Successfully obtained vesting order for shares and sales proceeds of properties (as sole counsel)
  • Hsu Ching Fang v Ng Chor Kuen and Others [2023] HKCFI 725, [2023] HKCFI 1665, [2023] HKCFI 1470 Trial on inter vivos gift of shares (with Mr Kerby Lau); Appeared in application for indemnity costs and stay of execution pending appeal (as sole counsel)


  • Cheung Sing Keung v Chan Ka Hay [2023] HKCA 270 Right of way dispute (with Mr Patrick Chong)
  • Sang Kee Limited v Rightmind Limited (HCA 1090/2022) Successfully obtained summary judgment in rental dispute (as sole counsel)


  • Yip Wai Tak Vivian v Lee Ka Wo Esmond and Ors [2023] HKDC 174, [2023] 2 HKLRD 12 Trial involving defamation, breach of confidence and the tort of misuse of private information. Successfully obtained discontinuance of proceedings after cross-examination (with Mr Abel Lam)


  • HKIAC (2022)  before Mr Michael Moser, Anthony Neoh SC and Mr Christopher To (with Mr Jason Yu)
  • HKIAC (Ongoing)  before Mr Charles Allen (as sole counsel)

Memberships & Appointments

  • Coach, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Jessup Moot Team (2021 – 2022)
  • Member, International Bar Association (2018 – 2020)

Scholarships and Awards

  • Bar Scholarship (2021)
  • Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (Global Rounds) – 3rd Best Oralist (2021)
  • SSRN Top-Ten Download List (2021)
  • President’s Letter for Outstanding Academic Achievement (2020)
  • Hong Kong Scholarships for Excellence Scheme (2019)
  • Herbert Smith Freehills Competition Law Moot 2019 – Champion, Best Advocate, Best Pleadings (2019)
  • Des Voeux Chambers Junior Scholarship (2018)
  • 25 Bedford Row Criminal Law Fellowship (2017)
  • Mayer Brown JSM Prize in Law of Contract (2016)
  • Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship (2015 – 2019)
  • Dean’s List (2015 – 2019)
  • Awarded more than 75 other scholarships, prizes and awards

Publications / Lecture / Talks

  • “The Neglected Nexus Between Competition Law and Human Rights: Standard of Proof for Pecuniary Penalties”, Joshua Yeung and Alex C.H. Yeung, (2021) 41(2) Legal Studies 336-354 (2020 – 2021). Link
  • “Bad Apple Spoils the Barrel: Motive and The Close Connection Test for Vicarious Liability after Various Claimants v Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc”, Joshua Yeung and Kevin S.M. Bae, (2021) 21(1) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 169-180 (2020 – 2021)
  • “Semblance and Separation: Comparing the Law of Unjust Enrichment in Hong Kong and England”, Arthur R. Lee and Joshua Yeung, (2021) 9(2) Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 211-230 (2020 – 2021)
  • “Reconsidering the ‘conduit pipe’ defence to unjust enrichment claims for intermediary recipients”, Connie H.Y. Lee and Joshua Yeung, (2021) 9(2) Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 262-267 (2020 – 2021)
  • “Unjust Enrichment and Illegality – ‘Innocent’ Wrongdoing and Its Implications on the Change of Position Defence”, Connie H.Y. Lee and Joshua Yeung, [2021] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 51 (2019 – 2020)
  • “Pecuniary Penalties for Anti-Competitive Conduct: Absolutely Deterrent?”, Alex C.H. Yeung and Joshua Yeung, [2020] 50(3) Hong Kong Law Journal 851 (2019 – 2020)